
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

It's all harmless, really!

Well hello again and thank you for looking in.  I hope you find something of interest here, and feel free to share your comments and feelings!

I'm so amazed at the lovely responses to my first post.  Such a blessing to have positive vibes resonating around the globe.  Hmmm, a bit new-agey for you?  Not your thing?  Don't worry too much.    I'm sure it can only be a good thing.

For example

Resolution number one - Do no harm.  We're all agreed about that, yes?  Doing our bit to be green and eco and helping the planet?  Of course.  But let's think outside the box and apply it to everyday.  An old saying, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.  What do you think?  Keep your thoughts to yourself, unless they are positive and helpful.  Agreed!

I've had a number of encounters recently where I've ' kept a zip on it', haha!  Frustrating?  Virtuous? The right thing, no doubt.

But how about the next step, can I/we apply that to our gaze?  Do we stare disapprovingly at the disfunctional relationships played out in public?  The tantruming toddler?  The odd or outrageous dress/behaviour/demeanor?  Are we even aware of our reaction, it's so ingrained.  And negative.

If you're like me, once you develop an awareness you'll be shocked at the frequency of such occasions.  All that negative energy, man it's a blast, phew.

Try to stay positive.  Here's a helping hand

I've been exploring helping hands this week.  Music, traditional and non-traditional therapies, books and guides.  I'll review these for you and post soon.  In the meantime, have a good week, stay safe and strong and (all together now) positive!

lots of love
pamela xxx

How to do you/can we strive to stay positive, overcome negativity, do no harm?  Please share:)


  1. Hi Pamela,
    Thanks for leaving your comment today - and for your kind words. I love your new blog - very positive! (re: your comment: well, at least she chose great words ... it could be worse, right?).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're so right Sherri, it could be MUCH worse;)
