
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

I just don't believe it!

Hello everybody *waves*:)
Well I was all set to post
(1) a series of very interesting entries (to be written on forthcoming holiday) regarding the very interesting classes and therapies I've being trying out to get to optimum wellness and personal growth
(2) a series of very interesting entries with lovely pictures whilst relaxing and enjoying the said holiday over on the wonderful west highlands and islands of Scotland
and then.......
I'm informed we won't have internet.
So sorry, and be back soon:) Well, about three weeks:0
Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves, have a wonderful time, eat high raw and keep moving, with a smile on your face!!!!
love and hugs
pamela x

Monday, 18 July 2011

Sounds great to me!

Hello folks, how is the start of the week going for you?  (for me, all attempts at finding my curly crafty font have failed, so we'll have to settle for this, sorry).

Today I have a few tips for you if you're interested in finding the music-to-live-by which is a little outside the remit of radio 2!  Over the weekend I did a little research.  I was interested to expand my music collection to include some new-to-me stuff which would enhance my growing interests and help with focussing my mind (and body) to make the most of my time on this spinning rock we call home!  

So,  I've put together a set of inspirational, devotional and ambient music which I think is pretty perfect for relaxation, yoga, meditation and intimacy.  There was so much to choose from and it got a little confusing but I found a system which helped.  
I started with 'the big store' (I'm sure you saw the new widget to the right here *points enthusiastically*) had a look through the listings for new age/ devotional artists.  Not being familiar with many of the artists I found most had tracks available on the MP3 downloads section so I spent (quite) some time having a listen (you can't rush this wonderful stuff) and this helped me select my CD's. Picked out what felt good, maybe checked out Youtube and the artists' own websites (left it open at Snatam Kaur's for continuous musical bliss whilst I did the ironing!).  Then if I liked what I found, added it to my wish-list or shopping basket.  I had a lovely relaxing shopping experience and I can't wait to get down on the mat to have the full experience!!!

If you get the chance, go and have a listen, and let me know what you think.  Also, maybe you have recommendations of your own you'd care to share!  And finally, I wonder if you've had the opportunity to see any of these in concert - I've seen Baka Beyond which was a wonderful experience for me but I would just love to see Snatam, Deval or the others:) *sigh*
Love pamela xxx
(p.s. funding new purchases by selling older CD's.  De-cluttering bonus side-effect, I love it!)

Sunday, 17 July 2011

It's all harmless, really!

Well hello again and thank you for looking in.  I hope you find something of interest here, and feel free to share your comments and feelings!

I'm so amazed at the lovely responses to my first post.  Such a blessing to have positive vibes resonating around the globe.  Hmmm, a bit new-agey for you?  Not your thing?  Don't worry too much.    I'm sure it can only be a good thing.

For example

Resolution number one - Do no harm.  We're all agreed about that, yes?  Doing our bit to be green and eco and helping the planet?  Of course.  But let's think outside the box and apply it to everyday.  An old saying, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.  What do you think?  Keep your thoughts to yourself, unless they are positive and helpful.  Agreed!

I've had a number of encounters recently where I've ' kept a zip on it', haha!  Frustrating?  Virtuous? The right thing, no doubt.

But how about the next step, can I/we apply that to our gaze?  Do we stare disapprovingly at the disfunctional relationships played out in public?  The tantruming toddler?  The odd or outrageous dress/behaviour/demeanor?  Are we even aware of our reaction, it's so ingrained.  And negative.

If you're like me, once you develop an awareness you'll be shocked at the frequency of such occasions.  All that negative energy, man it's a blast, phew.

Try to stay positive.  Here's a helping hand

I've been exploring helping hands this week.  Music, traditional and non-traditional therapies, books and guides.  I'll review these for you and post soon.  In the meantime, have a good week, stay safe and strong and (all together now) positive!

lots of love
pamela xxx

How to do you/can we strive to stay positive, overcome negativity, do no harm?  Please share:)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Finding a new path...

Hello folks how nice to see you:)
It's a terrible and funny thing, sorrow.  Blanks out everything.  Mops up, like a sponge.  That includes phone numbers, PIN's and ..... passwords.  So it's goodbye Magical Meadows, although we'll  share the views from there, along the way.
But, it seems to me, that after a period of transition, it's now time to move along.
I'm drawn to develop new and exciting interests,
raw food
and gratitude.
Simple tastes.  Best shared with like-minded friends.
So I thank you friends, old and new, and say welcome once more!
much love xxx pamela
(and a special hug for all those who shared their love and concern)