
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Greetings and Gratitude.....

Hello People and welcome back.  And an especially warm hug to new viewers:)  

It's such a special relationship - blogger/s/reader/s.  Intimate yet distant, anonymous sometimes.  An evolving and deepening friendship at other times.  In fact it's true to say that I feel closer to one or two of my bloggymates than I do to 'real' people!  And I have to admit, I'm a better person for the knowing of them.

Have that experience yourself?  Anyone?

I'm very thankful for this situation.  I hope I give as much as I receive, but really, what relationship is truly reciprocally balanced equally?  I don't know.  But I am glad.

I love that I get to meet people in all places, almost (hey Lori, you're right, never Africa).  And share their insights into the profound and the mundane.  I've discovered through this process a little more about myself than about them.  And in the words of Esther (Abraham) 'there is great love here for you'.

Ok.  So the season is upon us.  Things are a bit different this year, so I've a lot to plan and do.  

Take a peak - stuff for small people (my favourite type)

I have reserved some energy for the aftermath the 'what-to-do-in-January' to have something to look forward to.  And to help me 'live my best life'.  I've joined a local meet-up group....for positivity and possibilities,  I'm taking the yoga challenge,  joining in with the  winter feast for the soul forty-day meditation and a change camp+plus day workshop on developing compassionate self-acceptance.   And all of that just gets me to February.  A whole lot of year left to fill up after that!

So how about you? any plans for 2012? focusing on....?

I'll leave you with a picture of me hanging out with one of my Zen friends taken earlier this year over on Magical Meadows!

(Hey Mary, have you visited yet?  Close to Durham and a great place for wildflowers!)
Stay safe and happy everyone, until next time.
Love and hugs
pamela xxx
P.s. yes I know it looks like there's a scarycrow growing out of my head!
edited to explain the pictures of children are on knitting patterns and not my small people,  
Nana Pam keeps those to herself!


  1. I love that photo of you!!! That's really charming. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the blogger/reader relationship, Y'all are very real to me, certainly.

    You inspire me to come up with a project of improvement to challenge me next year. I'll look up the ones you linked....

  2. Now hey! you're my inspiration to start with! so here we go - reciprocal besting lol:)

  3. Hi there - the hand knit lovelies are, well, lovely. ~grins~ I made only one knit object for a gift this year because I really wanted to relax through my days. It feels so good!

    By the way, I was wondering if a friend of mine sent you a message recently? She was hiking near you in the last week or so and said she might send you a message for hints and ideas for beautiful places. I hope she did.

  4. Hi Pam, I know that feeling of being a blog follower. I'm hoping that someone, somewhere will enjoy reading mine too! I certainly enjoy writing it. I am writing a post about my new twirly scarf and have given you a mention and a link. Only right really as you 'talked' me into starting it.
    Happy Christmas and good luck with the yoga challenge.
