
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Get busy, now......

Hi folks and welcome.
Busy old time of year isn't it?
Probably not the best time to start new projects or try out new recipes!
 Especially when there are WIP's loitering in every nook and cranny.....
this particular work in progress is going to reach it's first birthday 
before I can get back to it, what with christmas knitting, preparations and all, oops.
No matter how busy I should be, there's always time for an outing,
preferably somewhere scenic.......
Did I say 'scenic'?  
Ah yes, scenic.....
and with birds...... 

Although I wasn't expecting Eagles!  
Not wild unfortunately, but out for a bit of fresh air, and trained with whistle and titbits 
to return to the outstretched arm of the bird-man.
Do forgive the poor quality pictures, it was frrrrreezing and blowing a gale!
So I'm quite pleased to be back home and snuggly:)
Ahh, that's better *sigh*
Must get on, after a snooze!
Bye for now
pamela xxx


  1. Hello Pamela!
    Lovely to hear from you. Those birds are amazing aren't they?
    I've read quickly back through your recent blogs and will give them a real perusal over the next few days. Blogging is a global pastime and it's quite amazing to find someone so close with things in common.
    Cheers for now, Gillian

  2. Yes, you seem familiar- and I like your blogname! I shall flow you with pleasure.

  3. Merry Christmas!! Enjoy your visiting!
