
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

It's in the bag pamela . . . . . . .

Well hello again.  It's my pleasure to have you to visit:)  How's your year going so far?  Good?

I remember sharing my thoughts last January on how I tend to start my NEW year on February 1st.  Anything sooner seemed to take me unawares.

Well, no change there.

But for today, two themes - firstly I'm running down on what was good about last year, completely summed-up in how I spent christmas - secondly I wanted to pass on an insight shared by a friend to a group I've recently joined.

I hope you can find something in all of this that resonates with you, sparks your interest or makes you smile.

So this is christmas, and what have we done? another year over.....................

being reminded what unconditional positive regard actually is by being accepted and embraced wholeheartedly and non-judgementally by SMALL PEOPLE ages two and four....
....breathless anticipation
unfettered joy.....
a warm and welcoming home.....
SMALL PEOPLE being at the centre of the known universe
...fabulous food....(vegan, obviously)
r e l a x a t i o n
and reading:
the Holy Bible and the different accounts of the Nativity, and
the Law of Attraction and how to get into the Vortex and get what you really really want, and
the Power of Now and how diminishing the human Ego can heal both ourselves and the Earth, and
the God Delusion and Richard Dawkin's positive athiesm
and listening:
to the adorable Elbow, and
a zillion christmas carols, and
soaring scorching power ballads (Adele), and
rocking around the (musical!) christmas tree, (the very musical christmas tree (small, green, felt, with bells on) which was switched on and placed by our bed VERY EARLY every morning by small people with ENORMOUS sense of fun!
and soothing and inspiring devotional Kirten songs and chants,
and best of all
Jingle Bells (completely spontaneous performance by said small people - serenaded me from outside locked door, whilst I was reading and relaxing in a bubbly bath) *my own special moment, a nugget of fabulousity and absolute joy* to be carried in my heart forever!
tears for loved ones gone but never forgotten
tears for the recognition of what they meant, and how deeply we can grieve, and how I'm getting through, and
tears for the ghost of christmas past, and
tears for the small people now all grown up and gone
and the knowledge:
that NOW is what it's about
that we are meant to feel joy
that not everyone has to like us
that acknowledgement of self is the first step to anything of value

All-in-all a very MIXED BAG!
Hmmmm.  There was more but I'll spare you for now!

And on to our Circle....a meeting of friends sharing a positive outlook and exploring ideas.  How we view our relationship with life, its meaning, the friend put forward her personal position with such eloquence and certainty....I wished I'd taken notes so that I could share with you exactly.  Hers is a system which I'm considering, is it acceptable? or do I 'need more work' on myself (probably).  Her world, physical, her 'out-there' non-physical, the universe and whatever else, seamless and connected in that everything that comes to be is already a part of what is and what could be.  It certainly chimes with me as a marvellous and centred approach.  Thank you!

The theme of the week for the group was 'gratitude' and I'm carrying that forward.

So I'm thankful, so very grateful, for all of the facets and the events of christmas for bringing to clarity all that I'd been through last year and before, and putting things into perspective, and making me feel worthy of such joy and such love.

Love to hear your thoughts!
Love and hugs
pamela xxx

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Mindless, mind control, mine.


  1. Attempt listening to a soundcloud meditation via a facebook link sent to me via  e.mail by Jeddah Mali, whilst also:
  2. checking flight status by refreshing the webpage for Jeststar airlines every minute until it tells me that the delayed flight my daughter boarded an hour ago is finally in the air (n.b. have taken three phonecalls from A today, and checked her fb status, viewed her photo's and left comments approximately eleven times today (so far).  "So far"! Lol, appropriate! 
  3. whilst waiting checking out recipes and recipes and more
  4. update: flight departed 1.27am western Australia time(28 minutes ago).  Phew.
  5. note times and details on scrap of paper
  6. texting A's father flight status/daughter status, and
  7. plug in phone to charge 
  8. wonder how far distance is between Perth and Brisbane? Check
  9. check Hotmail updates, 6 junk, 1603 inbox. *sigh*
  10. read e.mail, note yoga challenge has managed to get to day nine already (and without much help from me)
  11. read e.mail, note winter feast challenge started yesterday and I'm managing meditation nicely
  12. read e.mail, note another really thought-provoking list from marc and angel and action print-to-file for further study
  13. red flag several e.mails regarding local group meetups this friday and saturday
  14. write dates and times on scrap of paper
  15. red flag two e.mails regarding training days in February - 'Developing Compassionate Self-Regard' and 'Mindfullness, a Way of Living' 
  16. write dates and times on said scrap of paper
  17. note-to-self must look for 2012 diary purchased in November.  Useful. 
  18. realise 28 minute meditation (see 1 above, has finished some time ago.  *sigh* must replay whilst making dinner.
  19. realise it's taken me an hour to write this list