
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Weaving a path.....

Hello lovely people and thank you so much for sticking with me.  And thank you so very much for your love and kind comments of late.  After I posted  this little lady has given cause for concern since we last spoke - drama and well, 'going through it', but all seems well now, happy in the Outback.  Sheesh!

Anyway, such a lot to talk about.  Snuggle down and get comfy!

So 'Take it from here' . . . a fresh start after Magical Meadows, after shocks and great sadness and grief.  The idea was to fully explore the ideas and experiences that were grabbing my attention, share them here and invite your comments and conversation.  Ah well.....I've been a bit backward about coming forwards with all of that.  So I thank you again for your patience, much appreciated, and now let's push on with the task.

Did you get that?  I'll run it past you again...let's push on with the task....THE TASK?

But just wait a minute.  Hush now.  And now I'm going to dally purposefully.  Because even though the task needs to be brought to your attention and examined I think it's important to take a moment and be aware of the emotional state of mind we/I find ourselves/myself in.

This is why.  Go back a few months.  New (to me) things started to pop up around the edges of my sorry self.  I noticed a Yoga magazine.  I found a couple of weblinks to Feng Shui blogs.  A friend recommended Alexander Technique.  Another friend discussed alternative healing.  I picked up and put down a whole raft of self-help, new-age, spiritual (yeah me, spiritual) books.  I was already 'into Raw', food that is.  I got more into it.  I found myself spending time prodding at my thoughts, noticing my continual poor me, bad mother, done-it-all-wrong-again internal dialogue.  I began to see things I had dismissed years before as 'not for me' had returned, coming to the forefront.  And knew that I was on to something.

My turning point came when on holiday in Scotland.  Away from home when home was A VERY BAD situation with a HUGE task brewing I needed distraction, I needed SERIOUS holiday reading.  First sign of a bookshop had me scuttling in and scurrying out fifty four pounds the poorer but with a bagfull of life/affirming/changing oh my goodness gracious me! Fifty four quid???!!!!  

So, Waterstones, Oban branch, I thank you.  Thanks to you I finally got into law of attraction.  I wouldn't say that I fully 'bought into' the whole scenario (more of this another time maybe, if you're interested) but I felt it's resonance, and could see its relevence in so many of my experiences.  I could see lessons to be learned.  And tools, processes, and practices.  It's religion Jim, but not as we know it.  Well, maybe.

Hmmm.  Lesson one.  Enlightenment doesn't come cheaply.
Yoga mat.
AT sessions.
Guided meditation tapes.
Yoga dvds.
Exercise bike.
Walking boots.
Kirten and chanting cd's
More yoga magazines.
Raw food recipe books

Now then.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  Far from it.  I'm not unhappy.  The first step, maybe even the most important gift you can give yourself is to be informed.  And I've been selective.  I've chosen with care, carefully considered options.  And I was in the fortunate position of having the luxury of time and money at this time of my life.  And I intend to use it to HAVE the TIME OF MY LIFE.

So, what is my emotional state of mind?


Now, with that in mind....let's get back to the TASK.

Oh, first though, I mentioned a yoga mat.  I intend to use it.  I do.  To learn to be skilful, supple and strong.

But right now, and for some time now,  I haven't had room to unroll my yoga mat.

And no I'm not exaggerating.  The liveable space in my small two bedroomed house has shrunk. Until the task is completed .......well, there's no living the time of my life.

Now there is irony in this because being mindful, living in the NOW, is a key part of that.  So I can't ignore this task a minute longer.
I must embrace it
I must relish it
I must enjoy it
and however sad and dusty and smelly and downright difficult it gets it's got to be done.

Sorry, what?  Oh, you want pictures?  Ok.  Maybe just one or two.
Wouldn't want you to feel TOTALLY ******* OVERWHELMED aswell would I?

Over two hundred boxes and bags.  We've lived like this for several months now.  No, it's not our stuff.  But it is our task, ok, MY task to deal with it.  Long story, another time. So I leave it to you if you feel the need to ask questions, offer advice, feel empathy....feel free to comment or to move on silently.  I have resources and support.  Many.  I mention two - I take today's title 'Weaving a path' from Cindy's weekly wisdom at 365lessthings where she describes her greatgrandparents house, and where decluttering is a lifeform (she guests on that blog thanks to the lovely and so helpful Colleen.  Tanja brings minimalist living with a human face and  love and support and a philosophical twist.  There are many others.  Decluttering.  The time of my life.

After that grimy grimness I'll leave you with a different view, the painting my guy bought for my birthday, of a favourite place, tranquil, remote, uncluttered, peaceful.  Ah bless.  Where is it?  
Ah.  Our secret.

Take care now
 xxxxx pamela


  1. Thank you for sharing, warts & all! Love the mess (been there too!) & love the painting (wish I was there!); just take one day at a time, staying in the here & now (yep, that works!). Hugs!

  2. I'm a clutter bug and each time I see cluttered blogs I get up and tidy for a few minutes. I'm also making changes where any new stuff in - means old stuff out of the same size of larger.

    I'm intrige to know who's stuff you are hoarding.

    Best of luck...

  3. Oh, my gosh. You've been buried. I would love to help dig you out, but it's a bit of a walk from my place to yours. Not sure who the 'treasures' belong(ed) to, but I have to say my cellar looked like that and it was full of ancestral treasures that I was sure I couldn't part with. but then I got mad that I was the keeper of the treasures and I purged. Okay, I'm still purging, but at least I can move in the cellar. Hugs to you Pamella.

  4. My bedroom looks a bit like that since my daughter moved in and my spare (junk) room had to be emptied for her. Good luck with yours :) I'm making this week th week when I get stuck in with mine before it swallows me lol.

  5. Hi Pamela, that looks like a LOT of work. My loft is heading that way. I'm reasonably good about chucking stuff out but I'd prefer to try not to acquire it in the first place! I think of all the old people I've seen who've had to move into care homes. All their 'stuff' has to be got rid of. It must be heartbreaking for them. One day it could be me. I don't want to be attached to too much STUFF. However, when it comes to books, I can't resist. They'll carry me out of my house clutching my books.
