
Everyone could use a new start. A space to develop, mindfully.
A safe base to reach out and explore from.
And a place to call home.

Love to hear from you....

........and if you share my concerns, my interests,
or have something to say please feel very
welcome to join the conversation,
I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Oh! oh! AMY.......

Hello folks and please forgive the long pause in communications.

I hope you're all well and happy.

I promised you accounts of my new interests and experiences.   I'm on it!  But I got a little side-tracked.

Here's why.  A story for you ....

It was February.  1986.  And after a few hours of intense achey-back labour, my midwife encouraged me to reach down and cradle my daughter's so soft and downy head as she emerged shyly from the safety her mother's womb.  I did so with trepidation.  And forever more stay thankful for the skill and mindfulness of a woman who could bring that moment to me.  That memory stains my very being.  Touching my new-born before she was born.  Connected right then, both within me and without me, before that big disconnect at the moment of birth, as one became two.

My darling, my Amy.  As close as sisters, best friends, hand-holding soppy and sentimental.  Then came ..... time to go.

Out of the blue and only around six weeks ago my daughter told me of her decision to move across the world, with no plans to return.  No time to think.  A madness ensued, emptying twenty-five years of stuff, clearing out her house (boy, could that lady shop!), re-homing her pets, getting it all done until at last the remains could fit into one pink (of course) suitcase, and saying goodbyes.  Nothing good about goodbyes.

Yesterday she arrived safely at her destination.

So........Perth, Western Australia, please look after my girl, until I get to see her sweet face once more.

Love.  Too small a word.

Bye for now folks, be back later
pamela xxx